Saturday, February 24, 2007

waiting on your love

I promise to get back to the previous two posts--FREEDOM IN CHRIST! But I don't want to rush through it and risk minimizing the most amazing moment of my life just to have more words to post. But it DID happen, I AM currently living FREE of those shackles, chains, and the death grip that Satan once had on my heart and mind. I am still AMAZED at how the Lord DELIVERED me as only He can. How AWESOME is the Lord Most High!! :)

...but as a side note, I just wanted to share the lyrics from an unbelievable song by Justin McRoberts. I was reminded of this song a few days ago while icing my toes after reading a fellow sister in Christ's blog post (see Melissa's post on the LPM blog if you're interested!) about how we as Americans tend to idolize celebs and those around us in the lime light--we are OBSESSED with every part of their lives--as if they were any different from the millions of us watching them. Why DO we expect them to never have a bad hair day, never resort to wearing sweatpants, or have a "tiff" with a loved one? When they do it right, we want to be their best friend...but when they screw up?? --we criticize them for being immoral, having poor judgment, and actually living up to the HUMAN standards we ignorantly thought they lived above. What a cry for help--what a desperate plea for the freedom we have refused them, that God so longs to give them. What a sad thing to know, that it is US who have thrown them in this pit in the first place.

Waiting on your Love
There's nothing so heavy
Weighing down the soul
As the weight of nothing
Worth my strength to hold

There's no pain so cutting
No battle as in vain
As the constant battle
To avoid the pain

You were poor when you were born
You could see your Father clearly
From the nothing that you owned

Free me from these binds, Lord
I am choking on the gifts this world gives, Jesus
I am waiting on your love

So as your word has promised
I must clearly choose
To lost my life and gain your love
Or love my life and lose

You were poor when you were born
You could see your Father clearly
From the nothing that you owned

Free me from these binds, Lord
I am choking on the gifts this world gives, Jesus
I am waiting on your love

Free me Lord to live this life
Believing all I really have is YOU
I'm waiting on your love

Lord, how we need to be freed from the chains we have allowed to be placed on ourselves and those that we have placed on others!! Please take every "self" praise out of our hearts and minds and may we praise NO other and lift NO other up above YOUR NAME!! Praise you Lord for you are the one true Deliverer and Savior of our souls! In the MIGHTY name of Jesus, SAVE US from ourselves!!

I leave you with a quote from one of my favorite books/authors. May you be blessed and encouraged by these words as I have...

"You and I as believers in Christ have also been chosen to know and believe and understand that HE IS GOD. Our lives have been sanctified by the one true God. Heaven is HIS throne. Earth is His footstool. Awesome creatures never cease day or night singing, "Holy, Holy, Holy, Lord God Almighty!" Lightning flashes from His throne. The winds do His bidding. The clouds are His chariot. The earth trembles at the sound of His voice. When He stands to His feet, His enemies are scattered. He is transcendent over all things. Absolute. Uncontested. Omniscient. Omnipresent. The Lord God omnipotent reigneth. HE IS GOD and there is NO OTHER."
-Beth Moore, Praying God's Word